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Coming Soon!


The Land of Answers


"Like scents in the evening garden, I follow the questions and come to

the flower, often hidden from view. In the half-light, at the edges of the

everyday, in both the wonder and the suffering, the answers lie waiting.

If I make a space, I can hear myself, in the other, and in the forms of

the cosmos that are visible all around. The human being

is one of those forms.

In this space where I can widen my view, it is possible to see that the 

human being is a freedom-being, able to develop a world of conscious-

ness and care; to see a world of interconnectedness that aches for the 

humans to become aware: to develop new organs of perception, new

ways of living, and a new form of social and ecological love.

As my questions activate the thought-field, faint echoes begin to sound.

In this sense the questions are trajectories that mobilise us internally,

that move us to participate in the process of unfolding answers."

Shelly Sacks - Atlas of the Poetic Continent, Pathways to Ecological Citizenship

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